Ready to Rig the Game and Engineer the
Life You Want?
Get started by reading Dan Nicholson’s best selling book, Rigging the Game, to discover how to win at the game of life and business without compromising who you are.

Best Seller
What is Certainty?
In the Rigging The Game world, we refer to “Certainty” as getting
what YOU want, on YOUR terms, without compromise.

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The Four Commandments
of Certainty
To achieve “Certainty,” Dan built some rules which he calls “The 4 Commandments.” He calls them “Commandments” because it’s more fun (and, we’re less likely to violate “Commandments” then we are “Assumptions” or “Rules”).

Rigging the Game
Rigging the Game Podcast is a top resource for entrepreneurs who want unconventional strategies and tips to win at business and life on their terms. Entrepreneurs who are breaking through barriers while setting new standards in their industry recognise that the cliché, cookie cutter, and conventional recommendations about finance and business don’t apply to them.

Meet, Dan Nicholson
Best Selling Author + Entrepreneur + Certainty Advisor
A serial entrepreneur since birth, Dan Nicholson is the founder of multiple companies across finance, accounting, and software, but his real passion is teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners. He takes the conventional and applies it to the non-conventional by helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs achieve financial certainty.
Dan is the founder of CertaintyU and creator of a 20-week entrepreneurial educational course and certification, Certified Certainty Advisor (CCA). The CCA course teaches the concepts, principles, and action steps to becoming an extraordinary leader and reaching the top 1% of your industry.